Our science

Knowledge of nutrition for economy, welfare and environment

The COWculator

Our COWculator forecasts the benefits you and your cows can gain using Knewe® prebiotics. Just put in some key information about your dairy herd, and we will do the rest.

Trial results, spreadsheets and other resources

  • Feed efficiency or curbing methane?

  • Dr Graeme Coles and Jacqueline S. Rowarths' paper - An agroecological approach to preparation and use of a milk protein production baseline

  • Our on-farm dairy trials report

  • Dr Graeme Coles’ paper on food and nutritional security

  • Our budget portfolio – with/without Knewe®–Mg DOWNLOAD

  • Urine patch paper


"Recent analysis of food production systems in New Zealand has shown that dairy products are very effective in fulfilling [dietary] needs. We have to find ways to carry out dairying in the most sustainable and ethical manner, but at the same time try to improve the conversion efficiency of plant production into dairy products – any means of improving conversion efficiencies such as the use of rumen prebiotics will help us achieve a healthy and balanced human diet for a healthy planet."

Dr John Porter is the Professor of Agriculture and Food Security at the University of Copenhagen. He’s also the lead author of Food Security, a critical chapter inthe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment report.
